IALE-North America Newsletter
The US-IALE Newsletter is a biannual publication containing updates on the industry, the Association, and the Annual Meeting. Previously, the newsletter was in PDF format (view the archives). Beginning in the Fall of 2017, the US-IALE Newsletter highlights are emailed to our subscribers (join our mailing list) and the complete newsletter can be viewed online here.
- President's Message
- Chicago Conference
- US-IALE Winter 2018 Awards Update
- Foreign Scholar Travel Award
- Student News
- Elections
- Springer Journal “Landscape Ecology” - Call for Papers!
- Springer Book Series “Landscape Series” - Call for Book Proposals!
- We're on Twitter!
- Consider joining the US Regional Association of Landscape Ecology (US-IALE)
President’s Message
Hello US-IALE,
I hope 2018 is off to a great start! I’m excited to share the progress we’ve made on key initiatives. The Executive Committee and I, along with President-Elect Dr. Janet Silbernagel, have made additional steps toward building stronger connections for landscape ecologists across all of North America. In the coming weeks leading up to our annual conference in Chicago, we will invite everyone to vote on next steps for expanding our United States Regional Association of IALE to officially include Canada and Mexico, and to welcome and promote broad engagement with all of North America. Greater inclusiveness with our neighbors will allow us to reach underrepresented scientists, practitioners and students in North America, and increase the diversity of our membership. The proposed change, if passed by a simple majority of active US-IALE members, will occur in two steps. The first is the upcoming vote. If the proposal passes, the US-IALE Executive Committee will next develop the details of the proposed change over the coming year, incorporating these into a new Charter. This Charter will be subject to another vote by active US-IALE members, followed by review from the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Executive Committee, and the IALE Council. Member input during all stages of this process is encouraged. In addition to the online vote, the US-IALE Executive Committee is holding an open forum at the annual meeting (Tuesday at noon) to learn more about your thoughts and ideas for building the new consortium. Thanks again to Dr. Tom Edwards (Secretary General IALE International) who has guided us with helpful feedback on this initiative.
Another big thanks to Dr. Yolanda Wiersma and our Communications Committee, who redesigned our web presence several months ago (http://www.usiale.org). Numerous members have reached out to me about how great it looks and functions! It is mobile-ready, efficiently syncs meeting registration and membership renewal, and enhances our science communication efforts through social media and news highlights.
This is my last newsletter column as President of US-IALE. In Chicago I will pass the gavel to President-elect Dr. Janet Silbernagel (University of Wisconsin-Madison). I know she has many great ideas to continue our Association’s great trajectory and I look forward to staying involved as an active member.
Get involved! If you have ideas about how US-IALE could better serve its members, or would like to serve on one of our standing committees, please contact me at [email protected].
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Chicago, IL for the 2018 US-IALE Annual Meeting!
—Ross Meentemeyer, North Carolina State University, US-IALE President 2016-2018
I hope 2018 is off to a great start! I’m excited to share the progress we’ve made on key initiatives. The Executive Committee and I, along with President-Elect Dr. Janet Silbernagel, have made additional steps toward building stronger connections for landscape ecologists across all of North America. In the coming weeks leading up to our annual conference in Chicago, we will invite everyone to vote on next steps for expanding our United States Regional Association of IALE to officially include Canada and Mexico, and to welcome and promote broad engagement with all of North America. Greater inclusiveness with our neighbors will allow us to reach underrepresented scientists, practitioners and students in North America, and increase the diversity of our membership. The proposed change, if passed by a simple majority of active US-IALE members, will occur in two steps. The first is the upcoming vote. If the proposal passes, the US-IALE Executive Committee will next develop the details of the proposed change over the coming year, incorporating these into a new Charter. This Charter will be subject to another vote by active US-IALE members, followed by review from the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Executive Committee, and the IALE Council. Member input during all stages of this process is encouraged. In addition to the online vote, the US-IALE Executive Committee is holding an open forum at the annual meeting (Tuesday at noon) to learn more about your thoughts and ideas for building the new consortium. Thanks again to Dr. Tom Edwards (Secretary General IALE International) who has guided us with helpful feedback on this initiative.
Another big thanks to Dr. Yolanda Wiersma and our Communications Committee, who redesigned our web presence several months ago (http://www.usiale.org). Numerous members have reached out to me about how great it looks and functions! It is mobile-ready, efficiently syncs meeting registration and membership renewal, and enhances our science communication efforts through social media and news highlights.
This is my last newsletter column as President of US-IALE. In Chicago I will pass the gavel to President-elect Dr. Janet Silbernagel (University of Wisconsin-Madison). I know she has many great ideas to continue our Association’s great trajectory and I look forward to staying involved as an active member.
Get involved! If you have ideas about how US-IALE could better serve its members, or would like to serve on one of our standing committees, please contact me at [email protected].
Looking forward to seeing everyone in Chicago, IL for the 2018 US-IALE Annual Meeting!
—Ross Meentemeyer, North Carolina State University, US-IALE President 2016-2018
Chicago Conference
The 2018 US-IALE annual conference in Chicago (April 8-12) is on track to be one of our busiest conferences in a long time. A record number of oral and poster abstracts were submitted, requiring the committee to reduce the oral presentation time to 15 minute blocks. Each day will be kicked off by fantastic plenaries: Lenore Fahrig on fragmented landscapes, Karen Oberhauser on monarch butterfly conservation, and Lisa Schulte-Moore on land use change in agricultural landscapes. The wide variety of session topics ensures that there will be something for everyone each day: urban landscapes, remote sensing and landscape patterns, behavioral landscape ecology, and more. Oral and poster presenters will have the opportunity to contribute their work to journal special issues on conference themes. You can find all the information you need (including a roommates board and directions to cheap places to park!) at the meeting website: http://www.usiale.org/annual-meeting.html. New this year is a "schedule builder" which allows you to select your talks of interest and build a printable schedule that can be synced to your phone or calendar; no more missed talks!
Amélie Davis, Audrey Mayer and Emily Minor, Conference Hosts
Amélie Davis, Audrey Mayer and Emily Minor, Conference Hosts
US-IALE Winter 2018 Awards Update
The Awards Committee is looking forward to announcing winners for some or all of the following awards at the 2018 annual banquet in Chicago, Illinois. Further information about each award and a complete list of past award recipients can be found at http://usiale.org/awards.
Outstanding Paper in Landscape Ecology
The Awards Committee reviews nominations for papers published during the past two years that make an outstanding contribution to the field of landscape ecology. In 2017, the outstanding paper award was presented to Jenerette G.D., S.L. Harlan, A. Buyantuev, W.L. Stefanov, J. Declet-Barreto, B.L. Ruddell, S.W. Myint, S. Kaplan, and X. Li for their publication “Micro scale urban surface temperatures are related to land cover features and heat related health impacts in Phoenix, AZ USA” in Landscape Ecology (31:745-760).
Distinguished Landscape Ecologist
The intent of this award is to recognize unique individuals whose long-term scientific contribution have helped to define the field of landscape ecology, and is the most prestigious award presented by our Chapter. Recent recipients include William Hargrove (2017), Kimberly With (2016), Dean Urban (2014), and Virginia Dale (2013).
Distinguished Landscape Practitioner
The intent of this award is to recognize outstanding applications of the principles of landscape ecology to real-world problems. Recent recipients include The Landscape Conservation Cooperative Network (2017), Charles Corvis and the ESRI Conservation Program (2016), and Andrew Fall (2014).
Distinguished Service Award
The intent of this award is to recognize individuals who have contributed exceptionally in terms of time, energy, and dedication to advance the mission of US-IALE. Recent recipients include Anita Morzillo (2017), Rob Scheller (2016), Peter August (2014), and Jingle Wu (2012).
Best Student Presentation
The intent of this award is to recognize the best presentation (oral or poster) given by a student at the previous annual meeting. The award includes a $300 cash award and a waiver of one future meeting registration fee. The winners from the 2017 meeting will be acknowledged at the 2018 meeting banquet in Chicago. Students may indicate their interest in participating in the 2018 competition during the registration process.
US-IALE Sponsored Student Travel Awards
US-IALE is once again able to fund a limited number of student travel awards to the annual meeting. Up to ten awards for up to $700 each are available to support attendance at the 2018 meeting in Chicago.
--The 2017-2018 US-IALE Awards Committee
Todd Lookingbill (co-chair), Betty Kreakie (co-chair), Pete August, Jennifer Costanza, Dan Kashian, Steven Walters, Jingle Wu
Outstanding Paper in Landscape Ecology
The Awards Committee reviews nominations for papers published during the past two years that make an outstanding contribution to the field of landscape ecology. In 2017, the outstanding paper award was presented to Jenerette G.D., S.L. Harlan, A. Buyantuev, W.L. Stefanov, J. Declet-Barreto, B.L. Ruddell, S.W. Myint, S. Kaplan, and X. Li for their publication “Micro scale urban surface temperatures are related to land cover features and heat related health impacts in Phoenix, AZ USA” in Landscape Ecology (31:745-760).
Distinguished Landscape Ecologist
The intent of this award is to recognize unique individuals whose long-term scientific contribution have helped to define the field of landscape ecology, and is the most prestigious award presented by our Chapter. Recent recipients include William Hargrove (2017), Kimberly With (2016), Dean Urban (2014), and Virginia Dale (2013).
Distinguished Landscape Practitioner
The intent of this award is to recognize outstanding applications of the principles of landscape ecology to real-world problems. Recent recipients include The Landscape Conservation Cooperative Network (2017), Charles Corvis and the ESRI Conservation Program (2016), and Andrew Fall (2014).
Distinguished Service Award
The intent of this award is to recognize individuals who have contributed exceptionally in terms of time, energy, and dedication to advance the mission of US-IALE. Recent recipients include Anita Morzillo (2017), Rob Scheller (2016), Peter August (2014), and Jingle Wu (2012).
Best Student Presentation
The intent of this award is to recognize the best presentation (oral or poster) given by a student at the previous annual meeting. The award includes a $300 cash award and a waiver of one future meeting registration fee. The winners from the 2017 meeting will be acknowledged at the 2018 meeting banquet in Chicago. Students may indicate their interest in participating in the 2018 competition during the registration process.
US-IALE Sponsored Student Travel Awards
US-IALE is once again able to fund a limited number of student travel awards to the annual meeting. Up to ten awards for up to $700 each are available to support attendance at the 2018 meeting in Chicago.
--The 2017-2018 US-IALE Awards Committee
Todd Lookingbill (co-chair), Betty Kreakie (co-chair), Pete August, Jennifer Costanza, Dan Kashian, Steven Walters, Jingle Wu
Foreign Scholar Travel Award
The purpose of the FSTA is to provide support for landscape ecologists from foreign countries to attend the annual US-IALE symposium and to foster international exchange about advances in landscape ecology. Winners are selected based primarily on high quality scientific endeavors that advance landscape ecology, but early career scientists with demonstrated financial need also receive high priority. If you missed the application deadline for this year’s symposium, please consider applying for the award next year. More details on eligibility and the selection criteria can be found on the US-IALE website (http://www.usiale.org/foreign-scholar-award.html).
We received 23 applications this year representing 12 countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ghana, India, Iran, Madagascar, Nepal, Republic of Moldova, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Special thanks to Robert Corry (Univ. of Guelph), Deahn Donner (USFWS), Anne Kuhn (U.S. EPA), Nancy McIntyre (Texas Tech Univ.), and Tammy Wilson (National Park Service) of the FSTA Committee for taking the time to carefully review and rank the applications. Winners will be announced at the symposium. Please be sure to give them a warm US-IALE welcome!
During the symposium, we will also be holding the annual Silent Book and Software Auction. Please remember to donate any books you may have on your shelves…old and new are greatly appreciated. There will be tables at registration for you to drop off your goodies. Also, don’t forget to bid early and often on the great items that will be available at the auction. All proceeds from sales directly fund the FSTA scholarships.
We received 23 applications this year representing 12 countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ghana, India, Iran, Madagascar, Nepal, Republic of Moldova, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. Special thanks to Robert Corry (Univ. of Guelph), Deahn Donner (USFWS), Anne Kuhn (U.S. EPA), Nancy McIntyre (Texas Tech Univ.), and Tammy Wilson (National Park Service) of the FSTA Committee for taking the time to carefully review and rank the applications. Winners will be announced at the symposium. Please be sure to give them a warm US-IALE welcome!
During the symposium, we will also be holding the annual Silent Book and Software Auction. Please remember to donate any books you may have on your shelves…old and new are greatly appreciated. There will be tables at registration for you to drop off your goodies. Also, don’t forget to bid early and often on the great items that will be available at the auction. All proceeds from sales directly fund the FSTA scholarships.
Student News
Greetings students!
The 2018 annual symposium is nearly upon us and we are looking forward to hosing and meeting our fellow students in Chicago! We have several events schedule for graduate students at the 2018 US-IALE meeting, plus some other great opportunities to be aware of.
A brief Student Welcome/Walking Tour is scheduled for Sunday, April 8 from 2 – 4:00 pm. Back by popular demand, this event gives students a chance to get to know each other informally before the meeting starts. This is an informal exploration of the downtown area led by US-IALE student representatives Brian Pickard and Erin Buchholtz and a local host. Get an insider’s perspective of this vibrant city, and have an opportunity to meet other student attendees. To express interest in participating in the walk, please email [email protected] to RSVP.
The ever popular Student Social will also be held Monday, April 9, 9:00 - 11:00 pm. Come meet your fellow student landscape ecologists at local hotspot Emerald Loop Bar & Grill! This is always a fun event and is a great way to informally network with other graduate students. Students will receive a ticket to exchange for a complimentary drink, courtesy of US-IALE.
Typically each year an individualized Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop is organized with students specifically in mind. This year we are changing things up by enabling all students the opportunity to register for one workshop of their choosing free of charge. Students are encouraged to review the schedule for workshops that are of interest, and to register accordingly.
The Student-Mentor Lunch will not be held this year due to conference expenses in Chicago exceeding expectations. Instead, feel free to approach anyone at the conference on Sunday evening or Monday morning to ask to join for lunch on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. We are a friendly bunch!
To facilitate greater interaction between students and professional landscape ecologists, we’ve asked non-students to Pick Up the Tab for student drinks at the pre-banquet evening social, Tuesday, April 10 before the Awards Banquet, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Students will receive drink coupons, compliments of participating landscape ecology professionals, then students are tasked with finding and introducing themselves (over the complimentary beverage!) to their generous benefactors. This is a great way for you to meet current landscape practitioners in an informal, relaxed setting.
Students wishing to receive constructive feedback on your oral or poster presentation from practicing landscape ecologists may request that your presentation be evaluated. Volunteer professionals provide comments about your research and presentation style. This opportunity is separate from the Student Presentation Award Program, for which students can register only once per degree program and for which you should enroll only when you have completed research results. To participate in either program, check the box during online registration. See the Student Presentation Award section of the conference website for more information: http://www.usiale.org/student-presentation-award.html.
We are also seeking nominations for a US-IALE Student Representative. The position is for a 2-year term. If you’ve enjoyed student activities in the past meetings, want to get more engaged in your professional organization, and/or want more opportunities to network and shape the US-IALE student activities, this is your chance! Student representatives are voting members of the executive committee, and are involved in executive committee meetings and decisions. If you have questions about the duties or would like to nominate yourself or another, please email us (Brian Pickard [email protected] or Erin Buchholtz [email protected]).
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Brian Pickard & Erin Buchholtz
Student Representatives
The 2018 annual symposium is nearly upon us and we are looking forward to hosing and meeting our fellow students in Chicago! We have several events schedule for graduate students at the 2018 US-IALE meeting, plus some other great opportunities to be aware of.
A brief Student Welcome/Walking Tour is scheduled for Sunday, April 8 from 2 – 4:00 pm. Back by popular demand, this event gives students a chance to get to know each other informally before the meeting starts. This is an informal exploration of the downtown area led by US-IALE student representatives Brian Pickard and Erin Buchholtz and a local host. Get an insider’s perspective of this vibrant city, and have an opportunity to meet other student attendees. To express interest in participating in the walk, please email [email protected] to RSVP.
The ever popular Student Social will also be held Monday, April 9, 9:00 - 11:00 pm. Come meet your fellow student landscape ecologists at local hotspot Emerald Loop Bar & Grill! This is always a fun event and is a great way to informally network with other graduate students. Students will receive a ticket to exchange for a complimentary drink, courtesy of US-IALE.
Typically each year an individualized Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop is organized with students specifically in mind. This year we are changing things up by enabling all students the opportunity to register for one workshop of their choosing free of charge. Students are encouraged to review the schedule for workshops that are of interest, and to register accordingly.
The Student-Mentor Lunch will not be held this year due to conference expenses in Chicago exceeding expectations. Instead, feel free to approach anyone at the conference on Sunday evening or Monday morning to ask to join for lunch on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. We are a friendly bunch!
To facilitate greater interaction between students and professional landscape ecologists, we’ve asked non-students to Pick Up the Tab for student drinks at the pre-banquet evening social, Tuesday, April 10 before the Awards Banquet, from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Students will receive drink coupons, compliments of participating landscape ecology professionals, then students are tasked with finding and introducing themselves (over the complimentary beverage!) to their generous benefactors. This is a great way for you to meet current landscape practitioners in an informal, relaxed setting.
Students wishing to receive constructive feedback on your oral or poster presentation from practicing landscape ecologists may request that your presentation be evaluated. Volunteer professionals provide comments about your research and presentation style. This opportunity is separate from the Student Presentation Award Program, for which students can register only once per degree program and for which you should enroll only when you have completed research results. To participate in either program, check the box during online registration. See the Student Presentation Award section of the conference website for more information: http://www.usiale.org/student-presentation-award.html.
We are also seeking nominations for a US-IALE Student Representative. The position is for a 2-year term. If you’ve enjoyed student activities in the past meetings, want to get more engaged in your professional organization, and/or want more opportunities to network and shape the US-IALE student activities, this is your chance! Student representatives are voting members of the executive committee, and are involved in executive committee meetings and decisions. If you have questions about the duties or would like to nominate yourself or another, please email us (Brian Pickard [email protected] or Erin Buchholtz [email protected]).
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Brian Pickard & Erin Buchholtz
Student Representatives
Need a conference roommate? Check the box during online registration to join an email group to find other registrants looking to share!
Join us on FACEBOOK for more updates: http://www.facebook.com/usiale
Join us on FACEBOOK for more updates: http://www.facebook.com/usiale
Dear US-IALE Members:
Elections for the Executive Committee are currently open and will close March 25, 2018.
The by-laws of the US-IALE provide for annual elections to fill positions on the Executive Committee on a rotating basis. Executive Committee members are expected to participate in regular conference calls and to attend the annual meeting.
The following positions are up for election:
TREASURER: One position for a 2-year term. The Treasurer is responsible for handling the finances for the society. This position includes maintaining bank accounts, endowment and other funds for the society, receiving/acknowledging membership dues, and handling membership affairs with the International Association. The outgoing Treasurer is Jessica Price.
COUNCILLOR-AT-LARGE: Two positions, each for a 2-year term. The Councillors-at-Large (total of 3) shall perform duties as assigned by the President. The Councillor-at-Large not up for election is Dan Kashian. The outgoing Councillors are Anita Morzillo and Sam Cushman.
If you did not receive an email asking you to vote for the Executive Committee elections, you may not be a current member of US-IALE. Membership for the 2018 calendar year opened in November 2017. If you have not renewed or become a member since then, you are not eligible to vote for the Executive Committee. To learn about becoming a member, click here. To check on your membership status, email [email protected].
Thank you!
Todd Lookingbill
US-IALE Nominating Committee
[email protected]
Elections for the Executive Committee are currently open and will close March 25, 2018.
The by-laws of the US-IALE provide for annual elections to fill positions on the Executive Committee on a rotating basis. Executive Committee members are expected to participate in regular conference calls and to attend the annual meeting.
The following positions are up for election:
TREASURER: One position for a 2-year term. The Treasurer is responsible for handling the finances for the society. This position includes maintaining bank accounts, endowment and other funds for the society, receiving/acknowledging membership dues, and handling membership affairs with the International Association. The outgoing Treasurer is Jessica Price.
COUNCILLOR-AT-LARGE: Two positions, each for a 2-year term. The Councillors-at-Large (total of 3) shall perform duties as assigned by the President. The Councillor-at-Large not up for election is Dan Kashian. The outgoing Councillors are Anita Morzillo and Sam Cushman.
If you did not receive an email asking you to vote for the Executive Committee elections, you may not be a current member of US-IALE. Membership for the 2018 calendar year opened in November 2017. If you have not renewed or become a member since then, you are not eligible to vote for the Executive Committee. To learn about becoming a member, click here. To check on your membership status, email [email protected].
Thank you!
Todd Lookingbill
US-IALE Nominating Committee
[email protected]
Springer Journal “Landscape Ecology” - Call for Papers!

Springer journal Landscape Ecology is the flagship journal of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. It publishes theoretical, methodological, and empirical studies that help better understand and improve the ecology and sustainability of landscapes. The journal welcomes manuscripts that focus on: (1) Flows and redistributions of organisms, materials, and energy in landscape mosaics; (2) Landscape connectivity and habitat fragmentation; (3) Ecosystem services in dynamic landscapes; (4) Landscape history and legacy effects; (5) Landscape and climate change interactions (particularly landscape-based mitigation and adaptation approaches); (6) Landscape sustainability and resilience; (7) Ecological impacts and mechanisms of land use/land cover change; (8) Scaling relations of patterns and processes across landscapes; (9) Innovative methods in landscape analysis and modeling; and (10) Accuracy assessment and uncertainty analysis of landscape studies.
Landscape Ecology publishes several types of papers such as Research Articles, Perspectives, Reviews, and Short Communications. As timely assessments of key topics in landscape ecology are critically important for advancing the theory and practice of the field, the journal encourages the submission of reviews and perspective articles that synthesize existing knowledge and ideas, critique existing perspectives and approaches, and explore new research frontiers. Also, Short Communications are designed for rapid publications of novel research results as well as new methods and techniques.
Landscape Ecology is the key barometer of how the field is progressing and, therefore, accepts the best papers that represent your science and your profession. Learn more about Springer journal Landscape Ecology and submit your paper today! If you have any questions, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Jianguo (Jingle) Wu (Arizona State University).
Springer will be attending the US-IALE 2018 Annual Meeting. Feel free to stop by the exhibit stand to discuss the journal with Takeesha Moerland-Torpey, Associate Editor of the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Conservation book and journal program at Springer.
Landscape Ecology publishes several types of papers such as Research Articles, Perspectives, Reviews, and Short Communications. As timely assessments of key topics in landscape ecology are critically important for advancing the theory and practice of the field, the journal encourages the submission of reviews and perspective articles that synthesize existing knowledge and ideas, critique existing perspectives and approaches, and explore new research frontiers. Also, Short Communications are designed for rapid publications of novel research results as well as new methods and techniques.
Landscape Ecology is the key barometer of how the field is progressing and, therefore, accepts the best papers that represent your science and your profession. Learn more about Springer journal Landscape Ecology and submit your paper today! If you have any questions, please contact the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Jianguo (Jingle) Wu (Arizona State University).
Springer will be attending the US-IALE 2018 Annual Meeting. Feel free to stop by the exhibit stand to discuss the journal with Takeesha Moerland-Torpey, Associate Editor of the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Conservation book and journal program at Springer.
Springer Book Series “Landscape Series” - Call for Book Proposals!

Springer book series Landscape Series is an innovative book series committed to quality manuscripts that approach the concept of landscape from a broad range of perspectives. Encouraging contributions that are scientifically-grounded and solutions-oriented, the series attracts outstanding research from the natural and social sciences, and from the humanities and the arts. It also provides a leading forum for publications from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams.
Landscape Series welcomes authored and edited volumes around several globally significant areas for landscape research: (1) Ecosystem processes linked to landscapes and regions; (2) Regional ecology (including bioregional theory & application); (3) Coupled human-environment systems/interactions (CHES); (4) Ecosystem services; and (5) Global change science and adaptation strategies.
Landscape Series facilitates the application of landscape research to practice in a changing world, and to advance the contributions of landscape theory and research to the broader scholarly community.
Learn more about Springer book series Landscape Series and discuss your book idea with the Series Editors, Prof. Janet Silbernagel (President US-IALE, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Dr. Jiquan Chen (Michigan State University)!
Springer will be attending the US-IALE 2018 Annual Meeting. Feel free to stop by the exhibit stand to discuss the journal with Takeesha Moerland-Torpey, Associate Editor of the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Conservation book and journal program at Springer.
Landscape Series welcomes authored and edited volumes around several globally significant areas for landscape research: (1) Ecosystem processes linked to landscapes and regions; (2) Regional ecology (including bioregional theory & application); (3) Coupled human-environment systems/interactions (CHES); (4) Ecosystem services; and (5) Global change science and adaptation strategies.
Landscape Series facilitates the application of landscape research to practice in a changing world, and to advance the contributions of landscape theory and research to the broader scholarly community.
Learn more about Springer book series Landscape Series and discuss your book idea with the Series Editors, Prof. Janet Silbernagel (President US-IALE, University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Dr. Jiquan Chen (Michigan State University)!
Springer will be attending the US-IALE 2018 Annual Meeting. Feel free to stop by the exhibit stand to discuss the journal with Takeesha Moerland-Torpey, Associate Editor of the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, and Conservation book and journal program at Springer.
We’re on Twitter!

Follow us @us_iale!
If you want a notice re-tweeted, please tag us in your Tweet. Conference hashtag for Chicago is #usiale2018.
If you want a notice re-tweeted, please tag us in your Tweet. Conference hashtag for Chicago is #usiale2018.
Consider joining the US Regional Association of Landscape Ecology (US-IALE)
Landscape Ecology is an “interdisciplinary discipline” that ties together concepts and tools from a diverse array of fields, including (but not limited to) geography, geomorphology, vegetation studies, wildlife biology, urban ecology and more. Landscape ecologists use a variety of tools and technologies, including Geographic Information Systems, remotely sensed data (from drones to satellites), simulation models, and spatial statistics.
US-IALE’s purpose is to:
We encourage you to check us out, and consider attending one of our conferences.
Upcoming Meetings:
Stay Connected! Online at www.usiale.org and on Twitter at @us_iale.
US-IALE’s purpose is to:
- Foster landscape ecology in the United States
- Provide a link among practitioners in landscape ecology within the United States as well as the international community
- Promote interdisciplinary research and communication among scientists, planners, and other professionals concerned with landscape ecology
We encourage you to check us out, and consider attending one of our conferences.
Upcoming Meetings:
- 2019: Fort Collins, CO, April 7-11
- 2020: Toronto, Canada, May 10-14
Stay Connected! Online at www.usiale.org and on Twitter at @us_iale.