IALE-North America Bylaws
In April 2018, members of the U.S. Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE), founded in 1986 and originally encompassing only the United States, voted to begin the process of expanding the geographic scope of our Regional Chapter to include all nations in North America and change our association’s name to IALE – North America to reflect this broader scope. Through 2018, the Executive Committee revised the bylaws. The proposed name and bylaw change was formalized through a second vote at the US-IALE meeting in Fort Collins in 2019, which voted overwhelmingly in favor of the new revisions. The revised Bylaws seek to broaden membership to all of North America in an effort to reach underrepresented scientists, practitioners, and students across the entire continent and to ultimately increase member diversity and knowledge exchange. The proposed new Regional Chapter name (“IALE-North America”) was ratified at the IALE World Congress in Milan, Italy in July 2019.
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